See Newsletter Tab For Photos of
Monthly Demos and Other News
January’s demo by Mark Wood was very informative and the feedback has been very positive. Mark’s wife calls his shop “his happy place”. His work is very, very good, hope you did not miss his presentation!
At our February meeting we have another interesting demo by Tracey Lee. In this demonstration, Tracey will be discussing the various tools she uses to embellish wood forms, carving intricate patterns and textures to create depth, preparing the surface for color application, specifically focusing on the drybrush technique. Her techniques are applicable to both flatwork and turning. Check the February 2025 Newsletter for info on Tracey. We hope to have another great turnout like we did in January. You need to be here, and bring a guest!
At our February meeting we have another interesting demo by Tracey Lee. In this demonstration, Tracey will be discussing the various tools she uses to embellish wood forms, carving intricate patterns and textures to create depth, preparing the surface for color application, specifically focusing on the drybrush technique. Her techniques are applicable to both flatwork and turning. Check the February 2025 Newsletter for info on Tracey. We hope to have another great turnout like we did in January. You need to be here, and bring a guest!
Mark Wood Talks Sanding and Finishing
Mark Wood, NE Florida Woodworking Guild, inspired members by sharing his insights on sanding and finishing at our January meeting. He sands to 240 or 320, rarely more than 400. (Thanks, Mark, for just TALKING about sanding!!!) He mixes his own finish of equal parts of mineral spirits, pure tung oil and high gloss polyurethane. Six or seven coats applied properly gives an amazing result! Mark talked about how he fills cracks, sometimes leaving voids for additional character. He showed us to use butterfly inlays to stabilize cracks (with the help of Eddie Wildsmith).
Thanks, Mark for a great demo!
Thanks, Mark for a great demo!
The Chapel Hill Woodturners are Presenting a
Natural Edge Bowl Workshop
I hope that you and your families had a Joyous Christmas and Hanukkah Holiday. I and the GIWW Board wish you a Happy and healthy New Year with a lot of satisfaction in your woodworking.
We had a great time at the annual Christmas Party at David and Lucy's beautifully decorated home. It was great to meet our member's spouses and to get to know each other. The food was delicious and a good time was had by all. There were fantastic entries in the Christmas ornament/decoration contest and the winner was our host-- David. He made a beautiful Nativity set that everyone "oohed and aahed" over! Congratulations to David and thanks to you and Lucy for hosting this fun event.
Notes From July Meeting
At our July meeting, Gerald Dukes did a demo on turning Majito Muddlers. Pictures of the demo are in the August Newsletter. Thanks, Geerald. You did a great job.
First Presbyterian Church of Brunswick has reimbursed us for the paint for our project that the fellows accomplished during the winter and spring months. Thanks again to their efforts. It has made a tremendous improvement of the appearance of our new meeting place.
Paul Carter of Carter and Son Toolworks in Seattle, Washington, contacted us about introducing his company and their products. They have offered to provide us with some gift certificates for our raffles in the future. I provided them with all the information they requested and we should be seeing a gift package from them in the near future. You might want to visit their web site to familiarize yourself with their products:
One more month of true summer temperatures. Be aware of the weather forecasts. Severe storms can pop up at any time in this area. And, it’s time to be alert to activity in the Atlantic.
Stay Safe

Notes from Our May Meeting
In May, we were very fortunate to have Mae Bowley, Executive Director, Repurpose Savannah give us a very educational presentation about her company, their background and purpose. Mae is very passionate about her non-profit company and “wood” in general. She is especially knowledgeable about old wood, its various markings and history. The Repurpose Savannah staff go to various places to “disassemble” old houses so that the wood in them can be salvaged. I personally was very impressed that they use no power tools in this process. They clean the salvaged wood and then sell it at their facility at 2302 E Gwinnett St, Savannah. I have
added their contact information on our Sources page at the end of the Newsletter. In addition to the recycled wood, which is mostly pine, they have a facility that has other wood that has been donated to them and finished products for sale.
In May, we were very fortunate to have Mae Bowley, Executive Director, Repurpose Savannah give us a very educational presentation about her company, their background and purpose. Mae is very passionate about her non-profit company and “wood” in general. She is especially knowledgeable about old wood, its various markings and history. The Repurpose Savannah staff go to various places to “disassemble” old houses so that the wood in them can be salvaged. I personally was very impressed that they use no power tools in this process. They clean the salvaged wood and then sell it at their facility at 2302 E Gwinnett St, Savannah. I have
added their contact information on our Sources page at the end of the Newsletter. In addition to the recycled wood, which is mostly pine, they have a facility that has other wood that has been donated to them and finished products for sale.
Doug Ballard has a favorite rocking chair, and wanted another like it. With help & guidance from Paul Speich he's making progress. He said this would definitely be the only one he ever does!
More Info HERE (Click photos to enlarge) |
Show & Sale at Goodyear Cottage

Club members have some of our work in the Gallery at Goodyear Cottage on Jekyll during September. Come out and see what we have been doing!
Pewa (Butterfly or Bow Tie) Patch Demo
Mark Wood from the Northeast Florida Woodturners Association (Jacksonville) showed how to use Pewa patches to control cracks and splits in turned work. Click photos to enlarge.
Vacuum Forming & Work Holding
Demo by Ken Mattie
The Golden Isles Woodworkers was formed in February of 2007 by a group of dedicated woodworkers. The objectives of the Golden Isles Woodworkers and Woodturners shall be the enjoyment and furtherance of the art of woodworking and woodturning for its members, through educational activities, hands-on and member skills transfer.
Any person seriously interested in woodworking and/or woodturning may become a member. We usually meet every second Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to "whenever" at various members' studios in Brunswick and the surrounding areas. That time is flexible depending on the demonstrator's desires. Please check the Newsletter for the location for the next meeting.
Any person seriously interested in woodworking and/or woodturning may become a member. We usually meet every second Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to "whenever" at various members' studios in Brunswick and the surrounding areas. That time is flexible depending on the demonstrator's desires. Please check the Newsletter for the location for the next meeting.
Club Meeting at Eddie Wildsmith's Sawmill
Visit With Local Luthier, Mike Hasty
We visited the shop of Mike Hasty, a local expert luthier (a luthier builds and repairs string instruments that have a neck and a sound box), to see how he builds guitars, and to see some of the finished products. Mike had a lot of stories to share as well. His shop is amazing, with a machine or jig for every operation - he hates having to set up a tool for different operations, so there is at least one for every operation in his process!
Visit his web site:
Visit his web site:
Thirty-six guitars were delivered to Rulon International in St. Augustine on November 15, 2016. Five of us were treated like royalty and provided a wonderful tour of the plant and a delightful lunch. This was a very rewarding club project. The Rulon representative told me these were the "nicest set of guitars we have received yet."
Opening Reception - Goodyear Cottage, Jekyll Island, GA
October 4, 2015
Library Doll House Case Project 2015
Memorial Bench
The Maryanne Jones Memorial Bench was presented to her family in a ceremony on November 6, 2013 at Glynn Art Association on St. Simons Island, GA. Maryanne passed at the age of 37. She was a very talented artist who was born with Down's Syndrome. The bench will stay at Glynn Art reminding everyone of the contribution she made during her short life.
The bench is made from cherry with walnut trim and inlays. The lettering is hand-carved. Once the members started working on the bench, it became a labor of love. The finished product shows that devotion. It is a beautiful bench. We hope you will have the opportunity to stop by Glynn Art and see it in person.
Recent Club Projects
Recent Club Projects